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Why hasn't the floor collapsed yet?
Cost 0 Credits
Unlock -
Health 200
Build Time 10 seconds

Drills the ground for materials.


  • Spread them apart for maximum mining efficiency. Keep in mind that two drills right next to each other will mine out less material than a single drill.
  • Defend your drills well. If a drill is destroyed, you'll lose a portion of your stored material.
  • If you feel a forward base with a drill in it isn't going to last for much longer, deconstruct the buildables that are worth money to prevent the loss of material.

Unvanquished 2021-11-Light armor with lasgun.jpg

2021-11-Drills too close.jpg

When Drills and Leeches are close together, they annihilates themself.

  1. Only with the Construction Kit you can see that they consume BP instead generate power.

It's the same for a Drill near a Leech.