Server administration

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Admin commands

An admin command is a type of console command which can be used from the server console, or by a GUID-authenticated player with the necessary permission. The name of the permission needed for a command is in the "Flag" column below.

Name and usage Flag Description
adjustban [ban#] (/mask) (duration) (reason) ban change the IP address mask, duration or reason of a ban. mask is prefixed with '/'. duration is specified as numbers followed by units 'w' (weeks), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours) or 'm' (minutes), or seconds if no units are specified. if the duration is preceded by a + or -, the ban duration will be extended or shortened by the specified amount
adminhelp (command) adminhelp display admin commands available to you or help on a specific command
admintest admintest display your current admin level
allowbuild [name|slot#] denybuild restore a player's ability to build
allready allready makes everyone ready in intermission
ban [name|slot#|IP(/mask)] (duration) (reason) ban ban a player by IP address and GUID with an optional expiration time and reason. duration is specified as numbers followed by units 'w' (weeks), 'd' (days), 'h' (hours) or 'm' (minutes), or seconds if no units are specified
bot [add|del|spec|unspec] [name|all] [aliens/humans] (skill) bot Add/Del/Spec bots
builder builder show who built a structure
buildlog (name|slot#) (id) buildlog show buildable log
cancelvote (a|h) cancelvote cancel a vote taking place
changemap [mapname] (layout) changemap load a map (and optionally force layout)
denybuild [name|slot#] denybuild take away a player's ability to build
flag [name|slot#|admin#|*level#] (+|-)[flag] flag add an admin flag to a player, prefix flag with '-' to disallow the flag. console can use this command on admin levels by prefacing a '*' to the admin level value.
flaglist flag list the flags understood by this server
kick [name|slot#] (reason) kick kick a player with an optional reason
l0 [name|slot#|admin#] l0 remove name protection from a player by setting them to admin level 0
l1 [name|slot#] l1 give a player name protection by setting them to admin level 1
listadmins (name) (start admin#) listadmins display a list of all server admins and their levels
listbots listbots display a list of all server bots and some debug info about each
listinactive [months] (start admin#) listadmins display a list of inactive server admins and their levels
listlayouts (mapname) listlayouts display a list of all available layouts for a map
listplayers listplayers display a list of players, their client numbers and their levels
lock [a|h] lock lock a team to prevent anyone from joining it
mute [name|slot#] mute mute a player
namelog (name|IP(/mask)) (start namelog#) namelog display a list of names used by recently connected players
navgen all | missing | <class>... navgen request bot navmesh generation
nextmap nextmap go to the next map in the cycle
passvote (a|h) passvote pass a vote currently taking place
pause pause Pause (or unpause) the game.
putteam [name|slot#] [h|a|s] putteam move a player to a specified team
readconfig readconfig reloads the admin config file and refreshes permission flags
register register register your name to protect it from being used by other players.
rename [name|slot#] [new name] rename rename a player
restart (layout) (keepteams|switchteams|keepteamslock|switchteamslock) restart restart the current map (optionally using named layout or keeping/switching teams)
revert [id] revert revert buildables to a given time
setlevel [name|slot#|admin#] [level] setlevel sets the admin level of a player
showbans (name|IP(/mask)) (start at ban#) showbans display a (partial) list of active bans
slap [name|slot#|admin#] (damage) slap slaps a player, optionally with damage
spec999 spec999 move 999 pingers to the spectator team
speclock [name|slot#] [duration] kick move a player to spectators and prevent from joining a team duration is specified as numbers followed by units 'h' (hours) or 'm' (minutes), or seconds if no units are specified. End-of-game automatically revokes this
specunlock [name|slot#] ban allow a player to join any team again
time [minutes] time show the current local server time or set this game's time limit
unban [ban#] ban unbans a player specified by the slot as seen in showbans
unflag [name|slot#|admin#|*level#] (+|-)[flag] flag clears an admin flag from a player. console can use this command on admin levels by prefacing a '*' to the admin level value.
unlock [a|h] lock unlock a locked team
unmute [name|slot#] mute unmute a muted player
unregister unregister unregister your name so that it can be used by other players.
warn [name|slot#] [reason] warn warn a player about his behaviour