Talk:Bot design

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Should we keep bot personalities, or make all bots the same?

freem: IMO it's WAY too early to have bot personalities. Bots are still in alpha status, and this only make things more complex to debug and maintain for no actual benefit.

How much randomness should be involved in a bot's behavior?

freem: Randomness should only be used for actions that have "blur" or lack precision, like aiming or dodging. With developed enough AIs, they will give an illusion of randomness anyway.

How many details of bot configuration should be hard-coded, and how many should be exposed by cvars?

freem: because bots are in alpha stage, we need to avoid hard-coded as much as possible, so that balancing things will not require a rebuild and upload. This will also facilitate solo gamers access to funnier games, as those cvars can easily have a GUI to control them.