This page describes one or more entities.
It is considered a work in progress.
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- do not change the key names, since these have to be changed in the source code, and
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target_speaker (0 .7 .7) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) LOOPED_ON LOOPED_OFF GLOBAL ACTIVATOR
Sound generating entity that plays .wav files. Normal non-looping sounds play each time the target_speaker is triggered. Looping sounds can be set to play by themselves (no activating trigger) or be toggled on/off by a trigger.
- noise
- path/name of .wav file to play (eg. sound/world/growl1.wav - see Notes).
- wait
- delay in seconds between each time the sound is played ("random" key must be set - see Notes).
- waitVariance
- random time variance in seconds added or subtracted from "wait" delay ("wait" key must be set - see Notes).
- targetname, targetname2, targetname3, targetname3
- the activating button or trigger points to one of these.
- sound will loop and initially start on in level (will toggle on/off when triggered).
- sound will loop and initially start off in level (will toggle on/off when triggered).
- sound will play full volume throughout the level.
- sound will play only for the player that activated the target.
The path portion value of the "noise" key can be replaced by the implicit folder character "*" for triggered sounds that belong to a particular player model. For example, if you want to create a "bottomless pit" in which the player screams and dies when he falls into, you would place a trigger_multiple over the floor of the pit and target a target_speaker with it. Then, you would set the "noise" key to "*falling1.wav". The * character means the current player model's sound folder. So if your current player model is Visor, * = sound/player/visor, if your current player model is Sarge, * = sound/player/sarge, etc. This cool feature provides an excellent way to create "player-specific" triggered sounds in your levels. The combination of the "wait" and "random" keys can be used to play non-looping sounds without requiring an activating trigger but both keys must be used together. The value of the "random" key is used to calculate a minimum and a maximum delay. The final time delay will be a random value anywhere between the minimum and maximum values: (min delay = wait - random) (max delay = wait + random).