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This page lists types of BSP entities, sometimes known as map entities. A BSP entity is defined by a list of key-value pairs in the entity lump of a BSP file.

Entity keys with a preceding underscore ("_") character are keys read by the compiler. Keys with no preceding underscore are read by both the compiler and the game. See the q3map2 documentation for more information. The worldspawn and light entities are also read by the renderer.

To find examples of maps where a particular entity is used, you can search for it here. This list is generated by a script.

General Entities

Game Entities

Compiler Entities

  • Lights — Might also be used by the renderer for dynamic lighting.
  • info_null — Can be used for lights, but should not be used for anything else.
  • func_group — Used for grouping world brushes in the map editor.
  • misc_model
  • _decal
  • _skybox

Control Entities

Name Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
ctrl_limited ET_GENERAL testing testing testing
ctrl_relay ET_GENERAL testing extending extending
ctrl_script ET_GENERAL reserved for future use

Environment Entities

Name Scope Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
Template:Icon gfx env_animated_model position
Template:Icon gfx env_lens_flare position ET_LIGHTFLARE testing unclear unclear
Template:Icon gfx env_particle_system position testing extending extending
Template:Icon source point env_portal_camera position
Template:Icon gfx env_portal_surface position ET_PORTAL
Template:Icon physics env_rumble global testing extending extending
Template:Icon sound env_speaker position ET_SPEAKER testing extending extending

Functional Entities

Name Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
func_bobbing mover unclear
func_button trigger-mover ET_MOVER unclear
func_destructable (non) mover planning
func_door trigger-mover ET_MOVER unclear
func_door_model trigger-mover unclear
func_door_rotating trigger-mover ET_MOVER unclear
func_dynamic  ? unclear
func_group NULL NULL mapeditor and mapcompiler domain
func_pendulum mover unclear
func_plat trigger-mover unclear
func_rotating mover ET_MOVER unclear
func_spawn (non) mover planning
func_static (non) mover unclear
func_train mover ET_MOVER unclear

Game Entities

Name Scope Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
game_end global testing testing testing
game_score player testing testing testin

Information Entities

Info entities only provide positional information for things controlled by other processes.

Name Role Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
Template:Icon source point info_alien_intermission source point ET_GENERAL subject to change
Template:Icon source point info_human_intermission source point ET_GENERAL subject to change
info_null target point NULL mapcompiler domain
info_player_deathmatch point subject to change
info_player_intermission point ET_GENERAL subject to change
info_player_start point subject to change

Light Entities

Also see Light entities

Name Time Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior

Pos Entities

Name Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
path_corner ET_GENERAL subject to change

Sensor Entities

Sensor fire an event (usually towards targets) when aware of another entity, event, or gamestate.

Sensors often can be targeted to toggle, activate or deactivate their function of perceiving other entities.

Name Awareness Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
Template:Icon sensor state sensor_end gamestate Testing Extending Extending
Template:Icon sensor state sensor_stage gamestate Stable Testing Testing
Template:Icon sensor state sensor_start gamestate Testing Testing Testing
Template:Icon sensor state sensor_timer gamestate Testing Testing Testing
Template:Icon sensor area sensor_touch entity Testing Extending Extending

Target Entities

Targets perform no action by themselves. Instead, they are targeted by other entities.

Name Scope Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
Template:Icon state target_hurt activator subject to change
Template:Icon state target_kill activator ET_GENERAL subject to change
target_location position ET_LOCATION subject to change
target_position position ET_GENERAL subject to change
 ? target_print configurable ET_GENERAL subject to change
Template:Icon physics target_push activator subject to change
Template:Icon physics target_teleporter activator subject to change

Trigger Entities

Triggers cause a defined effect when aware of another entity, event, or gamestate.

In that sense it's like an integration of a sensor and a target and might in some cases be modeled by a combination of them. Triggers carry often the benefit of being predicted client-side (since no entity chains have to be resolved first) such as (trigger_push and trigger_teleport).

Name Entity Type Status
Class Field Behavior
trigger_ammo Subject to change
Template:Icon physics trigger_gravity Subject to change
trigger_heal Subject to change
trigger_hurt ET_GENERAL Subject to change
Template:Icon sensor area trigger_multiple ET_GENERAL Subject to change
Template:Icon physics trigger_push ET_PUSH_TRIGGER unclear
Template:Icon physics trigger_teleport ET_TELEPORT_TRIGGER unclear