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This page describes one or more entities.

It is considered a work in progress.

You are welcome to improve the textual descriptions for entities, but

  • do not change the key names, since these have to be changed in the source code, and
  • do not add additional MediaWiki markup.

The new description text will eventually be exported to a new entities.def.

trigger_timer (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_ON

Time delay trigger that will continuously fire its targets after a preset time delay. The time delay can also be randomized. When triggered, the timer will toggle on/off. Formerly known as func_timer.

delay in seconds between each triggering of its targets (default 1).
random time variance in seconds added or subtracted from "wait" delay (default 0 - see Notes).
target, target2, target3, target4
this points to the entities to trigger.
targetname, targetname2, targetname3, targetname3
any triggering entity that targets one of these names will toggle the timer on/off when activated.


timer will start on in the game and continuously fire its targets.


When the random key is set, its value is used to calculate a minimum and a maximum delay. The final time delay will be a random value anywhere between the minimum and maximum values: (min delay = wait - random) (max delay = wait + random).