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Sloth is a Python console application that generates Quake3/XreaL/Daemon compatible shader files given a texture map source directory.

The tool has been written by Viech.


The Sloth source repository is


  • Supports diffuse, normal, height, specular and addition maps as well as preview images
  • Generates light emitting shaders from addition maps given a number of named colors and intensities
  • Detects alpha channels and supports different blending modes
  • Detects texture variants (shaders sharing non-diffuse maps)
  • Can generate multiple sets at once or merge different source folders into one set
  • Supports hierarchical configuraton files (per-directory/prefix/shader) for full automation
  • It's not slow, it's named Sloth because it's made for lazy mappers!


 usage: [-h] [-e] [-v] [-f FILE] [-g] [--height-normals VALUE]
                 [--daemon | --xreal | --quake3] [-d SUF] [-n SUF] [-z SUF]
                 [-s SUF] [-a SUF] [-p SUF] [-c NAME:COLOR [NAME:COLOR ...]]
                 [-l VALUE [VALUE ...]] [-i VALUE [VALUE ...]]
                 [--color-blend-exp VALUE]
                 [--gt0 | --ge128 | --lt128 | --alpha-test VALUE]
                 [--no-alpha-shadows] [-r ROOT | -x SUF] [-t FILE] [-o DEST]
                 PATH [PATH ...]
 Generates XreaL/Daemon shader files from directories of texture maps.
 positional arguments:
   PATH                  Path to a source directory that should be added to the
 optional arguments:
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -e, --example-config  Prints an example per-directory/shader configuration
                         file (default: None)
   -v, --verbose         Print debug information to stderr. Supply twice for
                         more verbosity. (default: None)
   -f FILE, --config FILE
                         Read global configuration (takes precedence over
                         command line arguments) (default: None)
   -g, --guess           Guess additional keywords based on shader (meta)data
                         (default: False)
   --height-normals VALUE
                         Modifier used for generating normals from a heightmap
                         (default: 1.0)
   --daemon              Use renderer features of the Daemon engine. Makes the
                         shaders incompatible with XreaL and Quake3. (default:
   --xreal               Use renderer features of the XreaL engine. Makes the
                         shaders incompatible with Quake3. This is the default.
                         (default: False)
   --quake3              Use renderer features of the vanilla Quake3 engine
                         only. (default: False)
 Texture map suffixes:
   -d SUF, --diff SUF    Suffix used by diffuse maps (default: _d)
   -n SUF, --normal SUF  Suffix used by normal maps (default: _n)
   -z SUF, --height SUF  Suffix used by height maps (default: _h)
   -s SUF, --spec SUF    Suffix used by specular maps (default: _s)
   -a SUF, --add SUF     Suffix used by addition/glow maps (default: _a)
   -p SUF, --prev SUF    Suffix used by preview images (default: _p)
 Light emitting shaders:
                         Add light colors with the given name, using a RGB hex
                         triplet. They will only be used in combination with
                         grayscale addition maps. (default: ['white:ffffff'])
   -l VALUE [VALUE ...], --custom-lights VALUE [VALUE ...]
                         Add light intensities for light emitting shaders with
                         custom colors (grayscale addition map) (default:
                         [1000, 2000, 4000])
   -i VALUE [VALUE ...], --predef-lights VALUE [VALUE ...]
                         Add light intensities for light emitting shaders with
                         predefined colors (non-grayscale addition map)
                         (default: [0, 200])
   --color-blend-exp VALUE
                         Exponent applied to custom light color channels for
                         use in the addition map blend phase (default: 1.0)
 Alpha blending:
   --gt0                 Use alphaFunc GT0 instead of smooth alpha blending.
                         (default: False)
   --ge128               Use alphaFunc GE128 instead of smooth alpha blending.
                         (default: False)
   --lt128               Use alphaFunc LT128 instead of smooth alpha blending.
                         (default: False)
   --alpha-test VALUE    Use alphaTest instead of smooth alpha blending.
                         (default: None)
   --no-alpha-shadows    Don't add the alphashadows surfaceparm. (default:
 Input & Output:
   -r ROOT, --root ROOT  Sets the namespace for the set (e.g.
                         textures/setname). Can be used to merge source folders
                         into a single set. (default: None)
   -x SUF, --strip SUF   Strip suffix from source folder names when generating
                         the set name (default: _src)
   -t FILE, --header FILE
                         Use file content as a header, "// " will be prepended
                         to each line (default: None)
   -o DEST, --out DEST   Write shader to this file (default: None)


 ./ textures/source_dir1 textures/source_dir2

Generates two texture sets from the given source directories and prints the resulting shader file.

 ./ -r textures/setname textures/source_dir1 textures/source_dir2 -o scripts/setname.shader

Uses the same source directories but creates a single set in the "textures/setname" namespace and writes the output to the file "scripts/setname.shader".

 ./ --daemon textures/setname_src -o scripts/setname.shader

Generates a shader file for the Daemon engine (e.g. Unvanquished). The "_src" extension of the texture source folder will be stripped for the set name (see the -x/--strip switch).

 ./ -e > textures/setname_src/options.sloth

Generates an example configuration file and writes it to "textures/setname_src/options.sloth" where it will be used as a per-directory configuration.